PBAU FLYING CARS COMPOSITION In my opinion, creating flying cars isn't a good idea, because it would be so difficult to introduce the new vehicle in our society. And I think that it can be too much dangerous at the begining, and if we don't take care, a lot of people can die. Another problem of flying cars, is that: if normal cars and planes produce too much contamination, I can't imagine how many would a flying car produce. I wouldn't like to have a flying car because I coludn't feel save. I don't like even the normal cars because I get dizzy. The best think we can do i to have more planes, not so expensive, and try to find a way to not cantaminate.
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2019
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PBAU SINGER'S COMPOSITION I think that the main problem pf teenager singers is that they don't choose their life, and they don't know what type of life are going to have when they start their career. At the begining maybe it can be exiting and beautiful, but then they strat to get stressed and can't be happy. They start having a lot of compromisses that can't cancel, and this is the cause of too much anxiety. There more problems like fans. They sometimes can be very hard, and people starts to criticate you, social media says things about you that are not true. I would't like to be a famous musical artist because I don't like fame, and I like the peaceful life. I want to travel around the world, or walk in the street without people looking and disturbing me.
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RECYCLING VIDEO TRANSCRIPTION Climate change is the global variation in the Earth’s climate. Human activity contributes to the so cold greenhouse effect which is caused by the retention of gases such as co ‘’ in the atmosphere. Well many countries are demonstrating their commitments to c’’ climate change. The attitude and actions of individual citizens can also have a significant impact on the environment. One of the most widely promoted ways to reduce gas emissions is recycling both by businesses and by individuals. This helps to develop the circular economy which is based on three pillars: reduce, reuse and recycle. In the EU alone, almost 2.6 billion tonnes of waste produced in 2014, of this, only 44% was recycled, and 31% was ammast in landfills. The european parliament’s environment commission ames to’’ recycling rate of 70% and reduced the waste sent to landfills to 5% by the year 2013. In Spain awareness of the imp...
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AI project to preserve people's voices in effort to tackle speech loss A United States investigation of AI, is working to make possible to reproduce real voices of people that can’t speak, using electronic devices. There are many people who have throat cancer or neuron diseases, and in many cases, they lose the ability to speak, and that is why these investigations are very important. The first thing they do is, record their voices with professional equipment. Affected people have to record an hour or two of their voice saying different things, and with this information, the program can generate all words that haven’t been recorded. Normally people record their voices when they have little time left to speak, but if there are people who have already lost this ability, anyone can record their voice to help other people, but priority is always given to those who need it before. Then the digital voice is installed in the application prepared for these peopl...