
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2019
NO ARMS NO LEGS Nick Vujicic, talks about his childhood, and how he grew up in the school.  A lot of children in the school hate himselfs because they think that they are fat, or ugly, or too tall, or too short. And in the school people strat to thing it because the think that then, in their life no one will love them, and they we will be alone. But that's not true. The key is that you have to love yourself, extactly the way  you are. You don't have to change anything in you, because you areperfect. And you are able to do everything that you want to do.  You have to trust yourself, because if you don't do it, no one will. But if you love yourself, then other persons will do it too.
MY FAVOURIRTE POSSESSION My favourite possession is a diary that I had when I was a child. I used to write every day, and explain what things happened to me. I writed my feelings, and things that I thought. I think it's a very good thing to have a diary.  Then, after a time, you can revise what you writed in that moment of your life, and remeber good things that maybe you forgot.  But when you reed it, you realised that you had changed a lot, and sometimes you feel that you aren't the same person that writed the diary.   I think everyone should have a notebook to write things that are important. 
DESCRIPTION OF AN IMPORTANT PERSON One of the most important persons in my life is my friend Tessa, who is going to class with me, in this school. We meet for the first time in second of ESO, but we started to spend more time together in 4th of ESO. The last year.  She is one of the best persons I know. She is so kind with every person.  Very respectful, sincere and responsible.  I totally trust her, and when something hapens to me or worries me, I know I can tell her. And she can do the same with me. We have never had a very strong discusion.  I hope that we will be friends a lot of time.
AN IMPORTANT DAY IN MY LIFE I can't think about the best day in my life, but I remeber one that was really happy. It was last year, in May. I participated in a piano competition and I won the first prize. I felt so proud of myself, because I worked hard and I praticed a lot. I played an  Intermezzo of Brahms , and a variations of a Polish composer called Rzewski . I remember exactly how i felt that day. I was so nervous.  There were five members on the jury. One of them was Ramón Coll, a very famous pianist in over the world. And he was born in Mahón. The competition had two phases. The Eliminator and the finale.  I didn't expect to pass the first phase. And it was a big surprise  for me to win the competition, because all my fellows did  very well, and we all deserved to win.  I will always remember this day as one of the bests of my life.
SANTO TOMÁS DE VILLA NUEVA  The artist is Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, a sevillan painter from the Baroque period. The painting is on oil on canvas. Actually is located on a colletion of his art in Seville.  Maybe it seems like a simple work of art, with anything special, but for me it have a lot of meening.  This last Christmas holidays I travelled to Seville like every year, because my family lives there. And one day I wen for the first time in my life to an art museum. And it was the museum of Murillo. It was a very special day for me. I went with my cousin and I really enjoyed.  I liked all the paintings, but this one specially captured my atention.  In the painting we can see a priest giving money to a poor man, who is in the floor. He seems very bad, maybe is hurt. And sure that he is hungry.  There are more persons in the picture. There are old persons and  we can see a woman with a child, maybe is her daughter. Then behind the ...
THE LONGEST JOURNEY  When I was eleven years old, my mother and I traveled to  Seville by plane. And it's the longest journey I can remember. First we took a plane from Mahon to Barcelona. But the flight  got delayed two hours and it was 5:00 Pm. Finally when we arrived at Barcelona, we had missed the  flight to Seville because obviously we didn't arrive on time.  It was too late, and the next flight left the next morning, so  we had to sleep at the airport, we didn't know anyone there to  go with.  It was the worst night of my life. I didn't sleep a minute. The airport at night is very different than in the day, and I was  very uncomfortable in the chairs.  But the next morning, we took the plane and finally  arrived.
MEMORY BANDA First, she talks about a 13 year old girl, who wrote a  poem  that is called "I'l marry when I want". Then she explains the life of her little sister, who got married  very young, and got pregnant when she was only 11 years  old, and now she is only 16, and has three children. She believes that this is unfair. Because in their country  they have no choice. She didn't want that life. And she fought really hard to get  wat she wanted. But her culture rejected her. She believed  that it was possible to fight for that freedom, and if you really  want something, you can get it.
THE GHOST MAN He was near the supermarket, waiting, and suddenly a strange person with a big and black coat appeared from the corner, and murdered the man with a dagger in his heart. He fell down in the street and a big pool of blood was appearing on the floor. The man was death. The murder threw the dagger, and then disappeared again in the corner. Apparently there was no one else in the street, b ut behind the rubbish bin, was Lisa, who saw everything. The police officer Mr. Doyle was analyzing the crime scene, and Lisa was being interrogated. But it was the most difficult case in years. The murderer didn’t left any evidence. They only knew that the victim was waiting for someone, and that person didn’t appear. During a week of investigation, Mr. Doyle discovered that the dead man had no enemies, and had any reason to be killed. He was just an ordinary man with a wife and two children. And now his family was devastated by his death. The police officer d...