He was near the supermarket, waiting, and suddenly a strange person with a big and
black coat appeared from the corner, and murdered the man with a dagger in his heart.
He fell down in the street and a big pool of blood was appearing on the floor.
The man was death. The murder threw the dagger, and then disappeared again
in the corner. Apparently there was no one else in the street, but behind the
rubbish bin, was Lisa, who saw everything.

The police officer Mr. Doyle was analyzing the crime scene, and Lisa was being
interrogated. But it was the most difficult case in years. The murderer didn’t left
any evidence. They only knew that the victim was waiting for someone, and that person
didn’t appear. During a week of investigation, Mr. Doyle discovered that the dead
man had no enemies, and had any reason to be killed. He was just an ordinary man
with a wife and two children. And now his family was devastated by his death.
The police officer didn’t stop working, until a new evidence appeared.
A strange person with a big and black coat was seen at the crime scene in front of
the super, and was immediately arrested as a suspect.
Lisa couldn’t recognize his face, but said that he was dressed at the same way.
She was sure that he was the murder. And the man was found guilty.
But they were wrong, this man was innocent.

Four weeks later there was another murder, right in the same place, in front of
the supermarket. The victim was Lisa, who died for a shot. And this time,
there weren’t witnesses. But the murderer was found finally, and he confessed that he
had killed many people before. He was a very dangerous psychopath, and the authorities
were looking for him for a long time. And now finally, he will not kill anymore.


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