I like TV series because I think there are very entertaining and you can learn a lot of things by watching diferent ones.
The worst TV series I rebember is Teen wolf, that was about a teenager boy who was bitten by a werewolf and he became one. And he had to fight with another bad werewolfs. It's the typical teenagers story that has no sense, and is unvelievable. I only saw the first season because I get bored.

A TV series that I love but I hate at the same time is Downton Abbey, because of the plot. 
I love the decoration, the characters, the soundtrack and everything but the script. It makes me feel angry because is fantastic that by watching that series you can really know how english aristocracy of the 20th century lived, but in my opinion the bad thing is that the things that happen don't make sense, and this fact destoy the series.
The best series that I recently have seen is Money heist (La casa de papel), a spanish series that is about a big robbery, and the plan that "the teacher" has.


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