(THE INDEPENDENT) PRESENTATION VAN GOGH PAINTING MADE DURING PSYCHOSIS CONFIRMED AS GENUINE AFTER YEARS OF DOUBT Today we are going to expose an article form the independent: A work by Van Gogh has been confirmed as genuine and the experts has said was made during his mental illness or psychosis. This painting called Self-Portrait ( 1889) was bought as the authentic painting by the Norway National Museum ,but doubts has surrounded it’s truthful since 1970. Those doubts have now been dispelled away after the researchers found that it was indeed painted by Van Gogh after he was recovered in the Saint- Remy mental asylum, following nervous breakdown. The painting is the only work that he was made while he had psychosis. The image is dominated by a dreary greenish-brown tone, and shows with a lifeless expression. The experts thinks that this is an incredible painting because of the feeling that Van Gogh had. Van Gogh says later on...
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2020
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PBAU TV SERIES COMPOSITION I like TV series because I think there are very entertaining and you can learn a lot of things by watching diferent ones. The worst TV series I rebember is Teen wolf, that was about a teenager boy who was bitten by a werewolf and he became one. And he had to fight with another bad werewolfs. It's the typical teenagers story that has no sense, and is unvelievable. I only saw the first season because I get bored. A TV series that I love but I hate at the same time is Downton Abbey, because of the plot. I love the decoration, the characters, the soundtrack and everything but the script. It makes me feel angry because is fantastic that by watching that series you can really know how english aristocracy of the 20th century lived, but in my opinion the bad thing is that the things that happen don't make sense, and this fact destoy the series. The best series that I recently have seen is Money heist (La casa de papel), a spani...
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PBAU FACEBOOK COMPOSITION I think Facebook is a normal social media like any other, where you can put your photos, videos and personal information. Normally you follow your friends or persons you know, and they follow you too. Is nothing speciall. But I like it bucause is easy to use and I think is more formal. A lot of people think that there's no future for Facebook because now people don't use it as much as before, when social media were starting to be important. But I think that Facebook still have the same importance, specially for adults, because is very useful and almost every person have a Facebook acount and you can find people yo haven't seen for a long time, and it is the only way you can find them. Another positive thing about this social media is that you can follow famous people that you like and find out a lot of information that is usefull for you. I could live perfectly without Facebook, because is not necessary in my life. I think the...